MessMate Farm, Vic, Australia

14/03/25 22:50:00

❰ WeeWX  - Mesowx  - ❰ Mesowx: DualRain  - ❰ Mesowx: weewx  - ❰ Mesowx: pmon  - ❰ WXgraphic  - ❰ Belchertown

Use the following to select a date for archived records Date style can be either 01-Feb-2018 or 01-02-2018 ( DD-MM-YYYY )
Choose the date: calender

The database config file has gone missing!     That shouldn't happen unless you've been changing your configuration files

We initially use a php default for include files of /usr/share/php, but this doesn't seem to suit all webservers or installations.

As of version 0.7.1, /usr/share/php will be created if it's found to be missing.

Check that the directory /usr/share/php does actually exist, if it doesn't then create it - and report this scripts failure.

Check that its read | write permissions are suitable - 0755, owned by root

The file should have been accessable as
We can use include_path in wxobs/skin.conf to change that.
The include file will be regenerated on weewx's next report run, (unless you're using the undocumented feature - view the source Luke.) Or when report_timing allows.

If the problem persists, consider changing its location as wxobs/skin.conf will accept
include_path = /new_path/your_choice
where the path and name can be anything allowable by php, readable by the webserver, and preferably secure.

If you are using the [Remote] section - where the sqlite database and wxobs files are viewable from a remote server then the include file will be transferred into the dest_directory that is specified. Populating dest_directory allow the remote transfer to be considered.

If all else fails, report the problem as an issue - to its github site, or contact me directly.
There are also Wiki notes that may help for this, and setting up remote servers.

Latest Observations

Date     Time Out Temp
App Temp
Dew Point
Wind Pressure
Total Rain
(since 9 a.m.)
Total Hail
(since 9 a.m.)
2025-03-14 22:04 24.1 23 8.5 37 8.2 ESE 4 6 1151021.6 0 0

Historical Observations for the date of 2025-02-14

Stats for the day : Min (Max), or Averages for Direction

Date          Out Temp
App Temp
Dew Point
Wind Pressure
Total Rain
(since 9 a.m.)
Total Hail
(since 9 a.m.)
2025-02-14          12.1 (26.5) 9.1 (23.9) 4.3 (13.6) 27 (82) SW 3 (21) 4 (30) 2161007.7 (1011.6) 0 0

Periodic Stats (average values)

Date     Time Out Temp
App Temp
Dew Point
Wind Pressure
Total Rain
(since 9 a.m.)
Total Hail
(since 9 a.m.)
1739538000  (2025-02-15 00:00) 11.8 10.1 6.9 72 2.4 SW 5 7 2251010.8 0 0
1739536200  (2025-02-14 23:30) 12.3 10.2 7.2 71 2.6 SW 8 10 2181011.1 0 0
1739534400  (2025-02-14 23:00) 12.9 10.6 7.4 69 2.8 SSW 9 12 2061011.2 0 0
1739532600  (2025-02-14 22:30) 13.4 11.3 7.7 68 2.9 SSW 8 11 2041011.2 0 0
1739530800  (2025-02-14 22:00) 14 12 8.2 68 3 SSW 8 10 2081011.4 0 0
1739529000  (2025-02-14 21:30) 14.6 12.8 8.4 66 3.2 SSW 7 9 1971011.4 0 0
1739527200  (2025-02-14 21:00) 15.3 13.4 8.7 65 3.5 SSW 8 10 2061011 0 0
1739525400  (2025-02-14 20:30) 15.8 13.9 8.2 61 3.9 SSW 8 10 1931010.7 0 0
1739523600  (2025-02-14 20:00) 16.4 14.3 7.8 57 4.4 SSW 9 10 2021010.3 0 0
1739521800  (2025-02-14 19:30) 17.3 14.9 8.3 56 4.7 SW 11 14 2221010 0 0
1739520000  (2025-02-14 19:00) 19 16.1 8.2 50 5.6 SW 13 17 2271009.1 0 0
1739518200  (2025-02-14 18:30) 22 19.5 9.2 44 6.9 SSW 12 16 2101008.7 0 0
1739516400  (2025-02-14 18:00) 22.4 19.5 8.6 41 7.3 SSW 14 18 2131008.5 0 0
1739514600  (2025-02-14 17:30) 22.6 19.7 8.4 40 7.5 SW 13 16 2211008.4 0 0
1739512800  (2025-02-14 17:00) 22.8 19.8 8.3 39 7.7 SW 13 17 2211008.2 0 0
1739511000  (2025-02-14 16:30) 24.9 22 7.8 34 8.9 SW 13 16 2311008 0 0
1739509200  (2025-02-14 16:00) 25.7 22.3 6.7 30 9.6 WSW 14 17 2491007.8 0 0
1739507400  (2025-02-14 15:30) 25.2 22.2 7.1 31 9.3 SW 12 15 2221008.2 0 0
1739505600  (2025-02-14 15:00) 23.7 20.5 6.4 33 8.6 WSW 12 16 2371008.5 0 0
1739503800  (2025-02-14 14:30) 24.4 21.4 6.2 31 9 SW 11 14 2291008.7 0 0
1739502000  (2025-02-14 14:00) 24.8 21.6 5.8 30 9.3 WSW 12 15 2451008.7 0 0
1739500200  (2025-02-14 13:30) 22.9 20.4 7.9 38 7.8 WSW 10 12 2441009.2 0 0
1739498400  (2025-02-14 13:00) 22.6 19.9 7.8 39 7.7 WSW 11 14 2481009.4 0 0
1739496600  (2025-02-14 12:30) 23 20.9 9 41 7.5 WSW 10 12 2471009.6 0 0
1739494800  (2025-02-14 12:00) 21 19.3 10.7 52 5.7 WSW 10 12 2381010 0 0
1739493000  (2025-02-14 11:30) 20.5 19.4 11.2 55 5.3 SW 8 11 2211010.1 0 0
1739491200  (2025-02-14 11:00) 18.5 17.9 12.9 70 3.2 SW 8 10 2181010.2 0 0
1739489400  (2025-02-14 10:30) 18.7 17.1 11.8 65 3.8 SW 11 14 2341010.1 0 0
1739487600  (2025-02-14 10:00) 19.2 17.6 10.8 58 4.7 SW 10 12 2291010 0 0
1739485800  (2025-02-14 09:30) 20 18.3 11.2 57 5 SW 11 13 2271009.9 0 0
1739484000  (2025-02-14 09:00) 18 16.7 12 68 3.4 SSW 10 13 2081009.9 0 0
1739482200  (2025-02-14 08:30) 17.5 16.7 12 70 3.1 SW 7 9 2141009.8 0 0
1739480400  (2025-02-14 08:00) 15.7 14.7 11.7 77 2.3 SW 8 9 2171009.6 0 0
1739478600  (2025-02-14 07:30) 15 13.9 11.2 78 2.1 SSW 7 9 2041009.5 0 0
1739476800  (2025-02-14 07:00) 13.6 12.6 10.5 82 1.7 SSW 6 8 1961009.1 0 0
1739475000  (2025-02-14 06:31) 13.3 12.2 10 81 1.8 S 6 7 1831008.9 0 0
1739473200  (2025-02-14 06:00) 13.4 12.3 9.8 79 1.9 S 6 7 1851008.6 0 0
1739471400  (2025-02-14 05:30) 13.6 12.4 9.8 78 2.1 SSW 6 7 1991008.6 0 0
1739469600  (2025-02-14 05:00) 13.8 12.6 9.8 77 2.2 SSW 6 8 2061008.4 0 0
1739467800  (2025-02-14 04:30) 13.9 12.5 9.8 76 2.3 SSW 7 9 2081008.5 0 0
1739466000  (2025-02-14 04:00) 14.2 12.8 9.7 75 2.4 SSW 7 9 2121008.6 0 0
1739464200  (2025-02-14 03:30) 14.6 13.2 9.7 72 2.7 SSW 7 8 2061008.6 0 0
1739462400  (2025-02-14 03:00) 15.1 13.7 9.6 70 2.9 SSW 7 9 2121008.5 0 0
1739460600  (2025-02-14 02:30) 15.5 14.1 9.9 69 3.1 SSW 7 9 2061008.5 0 0
1739458800  (2025-02-14 02:00) 16 14.7 10 68 3.3 SSW 7 9 2071008.5 0 0
1739457000  (2025-02-14 01:30) 16.6 15.3 10.1 66 3.6 SW 7 9 2171008.6 0 0
1739455200  (2025-02-14 01:00) 17.2 15.9 9.9 63 3.9 SSW 7 8 2071008.5 0 0
1739453400  (2025-02-14 00:30) 17.8 16.7 9.8 59 4.4 SSW 6 7 2031008.4 0 0
1739451600  (2025-02-14 00:00) 18.5 17.1 9.4 56 4.9 SSW 7 8 2031008.2 0 0

Time taken to generate page was 0.09 seconds.


SELECT dateTime, rain, rainrate, hail, hailrate FROM archive WHERE dateTime BETWEEN 1666900980 AND 1666901940;
SELECT dateTime, hail FROM archive WHERE hail > 0 AND dateTime BETWEEN 1667426400 AND 1667430000;
SELECT dateTime, rain, rainrate, sum(hail), hailrate FROM archive WHERE dateTime BETWEEN 1667432400 AND 1667434440;
SELECT dateTime, rain, rainrate, hail, raincount1, raincount3, raincount4 FROM archive WHERE dateTime BETWEEN 1667446740 AND 1667447770;
SELECT dateTime, sum(rain), rainrate, hail, raincount1, raincount3, raincount4 FROM archive WHERE dateTime BETWEEN 1667446740 AND 1667447770;
SELECT datetime, rain, hail FROM archive ORDER BY dateTime DESC LIMIT 1;
SELECT hail FROM archive WHERE dateTime = 1667059560 AND hail > 0;


UPDATE archive SET rain=0, rainrate=0 WHERE datetime BETWEEN 1667059560 AND 1667091300;
UPDATE archive SET rain=1.016, rainrate=0 WHERE datetime BETWEEN 1611873540 AND 1611892800 AND hail=1.016;
UPDATE archive SET rain=0.254 WHERE datetime = 1666901040;

      # supply a date, get an epoch time.

      date -d "11-june-2017 21:00:00" +'%s'
      # 1497178800

      date -d now +'%s'
      # 1667447728

      date +"%s"
      # returns the CURRENT epoch time, ie:- now!

      date -d @1407198071
      # Tue  5 Aug 10:21:11 AEST 2014


This extension is available at github as weewx-wxobs : This is version 0.8.1